The Code for FIZZBUZZ

                        function getValues() {
                            let fizzValue = document.getElementById("fizzValue").value;
                            let buzzValue = document.getElementById("buzzValue").value;
                            fizzValue = parseInt(fizzValue);
                            buzzValue = parseInt(buzzValue);
                            if (Number.isInteger(fizzValue) && Number.isInteger(buzzValue)) {
                                let fbArray = fizzBuzz(fizzValue, buzzValue);
                            } else {
                                alert("You must enter integers")
                        function fizzBuzz(fizzValue, buzzValue) {
                            let returnArray = [];
                            for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
                                let value = ((i % fizzValue == 0 ? 'Fizz' : '') + (i % buzzValue == 0 ? 'Buzz' : '') || i);
                            return returnArray;
                        function displayResults(fbArray) {
                            //Get the table body element
                            let tableBody = document.getElementById("results");
                            //Get the template row
                            let templateRow = document.getElementById("fbTemplate");
                            //clear the table
                            tableBody.innerHTML = "";
                            for (let index = 0; index < fbArray.length; index += 5) {
                                let tableRow = document.importNode(templateRow.content, true);
                                let rowCols = tableRow.querySelectorAll("td");
                                rowCols[0].textContent = fbArray[index];
                                rowCols[1].classList.add(fbArray[index + 1]);
                                rowCols[1].textContent = fbArray[index + 1];
                                rowCols[2].classList.add(fbArray[index + 2]);
                                rowCols[2].textContent = fbArray[index + 2];
                                rowCols[3].classList.add(fbArray[index + 3]);
                                rowCols[3].textContent = fbArray[index + 3];
                                rowCols[4].classList.add(fbArray[index + 4]);
                                rowCols[4].textContent = fbArray[index + 4];

The Code is structed in to three function.


This function declares two variable for the entered 'Fizz' and 'Buzz' values then parses them to ensure they're valid integers. If so, an array is created to hold the return from the fizzBuzz function with the passed values created earlier. This array is finally passed to the displayResults function.


This function receives as its parameters the variables declared in the getValues function. It declares a return array and using a for loop increments from 1 to 100, checking if the number is divisible by the fizz or buzz value using a ternary operator. The ternary operator checks a condition and if it is true it will execute the first expression, if false the expression after the colon. This value is appended to the end of the array which is returned.


This function receives an array with 100 values. It declares a table variable and gets the table element from page. It declares a row variable for the selected template from within the page. It ensures the table is clear then loops through the array, five indexes at a time. It imports the snippet from the template and adds the value from array index to both the element's class as well as contents then appends that to the table.